The President of CEMICAMP, Luis Guillermo Bahamondes, Gave an Interview to Pesquisa FAPESP. Check out an excerpt below, and the full text at the link:

“Women, both in Brazil and globally, face four major issues: lack of access to contraceptive methods and care during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, as well as inadequate care after menopause and for abnormal uterine bleeding. Much needs to be done to address these needs, and significant savings could be achieved with adjustments in public health policies. In 2014, we published an article showing the cost to the Brazilian public sector for each pregnancy, including prenatal exams and consultations, childbirth, and postpartum follow-up.[os 40 dias após o parto] The total came to $1,000, about R$5,000. It’s very expensive. If women who do not wish to become pregnant used an IUD or [dispositivo intrauterino]hormonal implant, long-acting contraceptive methods, the cost to the state would be less than R$1,000. We have tried for years to influence policymakers. We sent each publication from our group with significance for the public sector to the Health Secretaries of Campinas and the state of São Paulo, and to the Minister of Health, with a message: ‘Look at this.’ Do you know how many times we received a response? None, not even an acknowledgment of receipt…”

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