Paula Pereira, CEMICAMP research nurse, defends her master's degree

doctor Luis Bahamondes and Nurse Paula Pereira

CEMICAMP student and employee Nurse Paula da Cunha Pereira defended her master's thesis entitled “KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST OF WOMEN AND DOCTORS RESIDENTS IN GYNECOLOGY ABOUT CELL PHONE APPLICATIONS FOR NATURAL CONTRACEPTION”in the green room of the FCM-UNICAMP Graduate Program. We congratulate Nurse Paula for this achievement and for the exquisite work carried out.

Doctor Cassia Juliato, Nurse Paula Pereira, on screen Dr. Jose Maria Soares Junior and Dr. Luis Bahamondes

Dr Montas Laporte, fellow of the OAS – Organization of American States, defends his doctorate

On November 8, 2022, doctoral student Dr. Montas Laporte, defended his thesis entitled:

“Clinical aspects of the use and insertion of the hormonal intrauterine device (52mg) and the copper-containing intrauterine device (IUD-Tcu380A)”.

Under the guidance of Prof. doctor Luis Bahamondes, president of CEMICAMP. The Doctor. Montas received a scholarship fromOAS – Organization of American States and has been part of several HUB/WHO/CEMICAMP studies. Congratulations Dr. Mounts for conquest!

doctor Montas Laporte and Prof. doctor Luis Bahamondes

FIGO Regional Congress 2022 – International Federation of Societies of Gynecology and Obstetrics

From left to right: Prof. Dr. Alvaro Monterrosa, Colombia; Dr. Teresa Bombas, Portugal; Dr. Maria Cecilia Arturo Rojas, Colombia; Dr. Luis Bahamondes, Brazil and Dr. Aparna Sridhar, United States (Chair of the FIGO Committee on Contraception).

On November 4, 2022, Prof. Dr. Luis Bahamondes, CEO of CEMICAMP, participated in the FIGO Regional Congress – International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics Societies, in the city of Cartagena, Colombia. He was one of the guest professors of the Session “Contraception throughout the Reproductive Life”, presenting the theme “Barriers and solutions”.

Contraception over the Reproductive Life Span

Organised by The FIGO Committee for Contraception

Chairperson - Dr Teresa Bombas, Portugal

Adolescence - Dr Alvaro Monterrosa-Castro, Colombia

Reproductive years with focus non-contraceptive benefits - Dr Aparna Sridhar, Estados Unidos

Peri-menopause - Dr Maria Cecilia Arturo Rojas, Colombia

Barriers and solutions - Dr Luis Bahamondes, Brasil

Later, he gave the Conference: “Modern Contraception Post-Obstetric Event” at the same event.



The FIGO Latin America Regional Congress – Cartagena 2022 enabled important discussions to help shape national, regional and global policies, ensuring the physical, mental, reproductive and sexual health and well-being of women and girls around the world – now and in the future.

President CEMICAMP participates in the Grand Challenges - Annual Meeting of 2022


The President of CEMICAMP, Prof. Dr. Luis Bahamondes, Program Member “Mentor and Mentees” organized by Family Health International 360 and sponsored by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) was invited by the BMGF to participate in the Grand Challenges - Annual Meeting held in Brussels, Belgium on October 24-27.



En este evento la Dra. Bahamondes también tuvo la oportunidad de discutir posibilidades de cooperación futura con miembros de la fundación.

An example of the objectives is the HUB project, of the Human Reproduction Program (HRP), sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and which aims to train new researchers in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) from countries with low human development index in America Latin and Caribbean.

CEMICAMP and CAISM/UNICAMP received a visit, on September 8 and 9, 2022, from authorities of the Pan-American Health Organization (PAHO) and the Latin American Center for Perinatology (CLAP) Uruguay, to discuss ways to strengthen the relationship of these institutions, given the common objectives with CEMICAMP.

An example of the objectives is the HUB project, of the Human Reproduction Program (HRP), sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO) and which aims to train new researchers in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) from countries with low human development index in America Latin and Caribbean. The HUB/WHO is coordinated at CEMICAMP by CEO Dr. Luis Bahamondes.

From left to right: Dr Rodolfo Pacagnella FCM/DTG/Caism/Unicamp, Dr Ariel Karolinski, PAHO Brasilia, Dr José Guilherme Cecatti FCM/DTG/Caism/Unicamp, Dr Renato Souza, DTG/Caism/Unicamp, Dra. Lucila Nagata, Nurse Lisiane, both from PAHO, Dr. Luís Bahamondes, President CEMICAMP and Collaborating Professor DTG/Caism/Unicamp, Dr Luís Francisco Baccaro, DTG/Caism/Unicamp, Dr Rodolfo Gomez and Dr. Bremen de Múcio, CLAP Uruguay.

CEMICAMP collaborator Maria Yolanda Makuch publishes book chapter

CEMICAMP Collaborating Researcher, Maria Yolanda Makuch, wrote the chapter "
Reflections on the exchange of knowledge between theoretical approaches, clinical listening and research in psychology of human reproduction in Brazil
" in the book "Interdisciplinary Contributions in the Context of Assisted Human Reproduction".


For more information about the publication contact the author:

Note of regret 6/30/2022 - Dr. Ian Fraser

CEMICAMP regrets the passing of Dr. Ian Fraser, who passed away yesterday, June 29, 2022.


Dr. Fraser was a mainstay of the ICCR/The Population Council (International Committee for Contraceptive Research) for many years, contributing to a number of highly relevant research studies worldwide, including the phase 3 major NES/EE vaginal system (Annovera).


His brilliant mind and deep knowledge of endocrinology and gynecology helped to increase and improve the quality in research. He has also made an important contribution to FIGO, expanding research into better reproductive health for women and men around the world. He was a brilliant mind, a true gentleman, and will be greatly missed by the world.



We are inviting women ages 18-49 and men ages 18 and older to participate in a survey on “
Factors related to COVID-19 vaccine acceptance in Brazilian women of reproductive age and their partners
. For this, we need your cooperation, if you are in this age group. You would help us by filling out a questionnaire that takes about 10 minutes to complete. Your collaboration is very important to us! The information obtained about vaccination will help in the organization of strategies related to the pandemic.

Before answering the questionnaire you will have access to the Informed Consent Form (ICF). We recommend that you read it and make a copy of it and keep it with you. After reading the Term, if you agree to participate, check this option and access the questionnaire. Remember that you can stop answering any questions and decide to stop participating in the survey at any time.

Your participation is very important to improve the knowledge about COVID-19 vaccination.

Authorization from the Research Ethics Committee of UNICAMP – CAAE: 57410722.3.0000.5404


Visit of Dr. Edna Kara (WHO), Dr. Sérgio Muñoz Navarro and Dr. Álvaro Danilo Cerda Maureura (Universidad de la Frontera, Chile) to CEMICAMP

This Monday, May 30th, CEMICAMP had the honor of receiving a visit from Dr. Edna Kara of WHO and Drs. Sérgio Muñoz Navarro and Álvaro Danilo Cerda Maureura from Universidad de la Frontera, Chile.

This visit was attended by Dr. Luis Bahamondes, President of CEMICAMP, students of the HUB-OMS program, and faculty at FCM-UNICAMP . To see all who attended this visit, see the image below:

HUB Vietnam project director visits CEMICAMP

This Tuesday, May 3, CEMICAMP had the honor to receive Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh, MD, PhD. Deputy Chief, Head of Department of Population, Department of Training, Scientific Management and International Collaborating Institute for Preventive Medicine and Public Health at Hanoi Medical University in Vietnam.

Just like Dr. Luis Bahamondes, president CEMICAMP, is responsible for the WHO program ” HUB Brasil” Dr. Nguyen is responsible for “HUB Vietnam”.

This meeting was scheduled with the objective of exploring the possibilities of exchange and collaboration in research, aspects of the formation of the Master in Public Health (specialization in Sexual and Reproductive Health) and an approximation of both research centers.

The LID/HUB project, sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), has as its main objective to train new researchers in sexual and reproductive health (SRH) from countries with low human development index, being of great importance for the scientific growth of the countries. that host this project.

From left to right:

Dr. Ana Claudia Marcelino Research Director – CEMICAMP.
Dr. Luis Bahamondes, President CEMICAMP and Director Hub Brasil.
Dr. Maria Laura Costa, Associate Professor in Obstetrics – UNICAMP.
Dr. Nguyen Thi Thuy Hanh, Director HUB Vietnam – Medical University of Hanoi.
Dr. Luiz Baccaro, Associate Professor in Tocogynecology – UNICAMP.

Check out more photos from this visit below: