The book “Medicina Ambulatorial,” published by Artmed Publishing and Grupo A, was awarded the Academic Jabuti Award in the Classic Academic Book category for 2024. This distinction highlights the relevance and quality of the work.

Chapter 120, titled “Abortamento,” was written by Dr. Anibal Faúndes, senior researcher and former president of CEMICAMP, whose contribution to gynecology and obstetrics is widely recognized. Along with Silvana Bento and Karla Simonia Pádua, researchers from Unicamp and CEMICAMP, the chapter addresses the topic of abortion with depth and clarity, offering a valuable resource for both medical practice and academic research.

The recognition of the Jabuti Award reinforces the importance of the work as a cornerstone in the teaching and practice of ambulatory medicine, highlighting the authors’ contribution to the advancement of knowledge in the health field.