Last week, the Centro de Pesquisas em Saúde Reprodutiva de Campinas (CEMICAMP) had the honor of hosting Julien Finci, CTO of Aspivix, for a training session on the innovative Carevix device. This training marks an important advancement in our efforts to enhance women’s health by collecting real-world data on the use of Carevix in Latin America.Na semana passada, o Centro de Pesquisas em Saúde Reprodutiva de Campinas (CEMICAMP) teve a honra de receber Julien Finci, CTO da empresa Aspivix, para uma sessão de treinamento sobre o inovador dispositivo Carevix. Este treinamento marca um avanço importante em nossos esforços para aprimorar a saúde da mulher, coletando dados do mundo real sobre o uso do Carevix na América Latina.

We are excited to announce that Cemicamp has become an Ambassador site for Carevix, thanks to the support of Prof. Dr. Luis Bahamondes and Bayer Pharmaceuticals. This partnership will enable thousands of women in low- and middle-income countries to access safe and effective contraceptive methods.

During the training session, we had the pleasure of working with:

Prof. Dr. Luis Bahamondes, President of CEMICAMP and Principal Investigator
Dr. Ana Claudia Henrique Marcelino, Medical Researcher and Sub-Investigator
Ximena Espejo-Arce, Research Nurse
Paula da Cunha Pereira, Research Nurse and Clinical Research Coordinator
Vilma Zotarelli, Study Coordinator

The dedication and expertise of these professionals in the field of family planning and gynecology are truly inspiring. Together, we are paving the way for safer and more effective solutions in women’s health.

Our goal with this collaboration is to enhance data collection in real-world settings, ensuring that Carevix continues to meet the needs of both healthcare professionals and patients. The enthusiasm and commitment demonstrated by the Cemicamp team were remarkable, and we are confident that this partnership will provide invaluable insights.

We will continue to expand our network of Ambassador sites and drive innovation in gynecology, always with the focus on pushing the boundaries of women’s health.

Let’s continue advancing and promoting women’s health!