Luis Marcelo Noles Rodrígues, aluno de mestrado HUB/OMS, defende sua dissertação

Hoje, 29/08/2024, o aluno de mestrado Luis Marcelo Noles Rodrígues, defendeu sua dissertação intitulada "Satisfação e experiência do cuidado entre mulheres com complicações relacionadas à perda gestacional precoce no Brasil", sob a coordenação do Prof. Dr. Luiz Francisco Cintra Baccaro.

O aluno possui bolsa pelo HUB/OMS/CEMICAMP. Parabéns pela conquista Marcelo!

Student Leila Rodrigues Rocha defends her thesis on Menstrual Poverty.

Today, 12/07/2023, master’s student Leila Rodrigues Rocha defended her thesis titled "CONTRACEPTIVE USE PRACTICES AND MENSTRUAL POVERTY AMONG VENEZUELAN MIGRANT WOMEN AT THE BRAZIL-VENEZUELA BORDER," under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Luis Guillermo Bahamondes.
Menstrual poverty among immigrants is a challenge often overlooked and underestimated, yet it significantly impacts the lives and dignity of women in vulnerable situations. This phenomenon describes the difficulty faced by low-income or immigrant women who lack adequate access to menstrual products, information about menstrual hygiene, and, in some cases, even basic sanitation services. For many immigrants, menstrual poverty becomes an additional barrier in an already complex context of adapting to a new culture, language, and social system. The lack of access to menstrual hygiene products not only affects physical health, increasing the risk of infections and gynecological complications, but also impacts mental health, self-esteem, and social integration. Addressing and resolving this issue is crucial. It is essential to provide free and dignified access to pads, menstrual cups, or other options, in addition to educating about menstrual health and ensuring appropriate places for changing and disposing of these products. Furthermore, it is necessary to promote inclusive policies that recognize the specific needs of immigrant women facing menstrual poverty. Acting to combat menstrual poverty among immigrants is not just a matter of health or access to basic products; it is a crucial step towards promoting gender equality, social inclusion, and respect for human dignity. Ensuring that all women, regardless of their socioeconomic status or migratory status, have dignified access to menstrual care is essential for building a more just and equitable society.
The student was a fellow at HUB/WHO/CEMICAMP.

Congratulations, Leila, on the achievement!

Reunión del HUB OMS de la HRP Alliance for Research Capacity Strengthening

El presidente de CEMICAMP, Dr. Luis Bahamondes, y el Profesor Dr. José Guilherme Cecatti participaron en la reunión de la HRP Alliance for Research Capacity Strengthening, que involucra a los siete centros del programa HUB de la OMS. En esta reunión, se hizo un enfoque claro en la necesidad de redefinir la comprensión convencional de la salud sexual. Se cuestionó el enfoque tradicional, que se centra principalmente en la salud reproductiva y materna, y se reconoció que esto debe abarcar el bienestar general de los cuerpos y las mentes a lo largo de sus vidas, incluyendo la consideración del sexo y género en todos los aspectos de las enfermedades y tratamientos. Además, la reunión promovió ideas audaces que se alinean con las oportunidades mapeadas, con el objetivo de mejorar el financiamiento y los recursos destinados a la investigación y el desarrollo en salud sexual. Se destacó la importancia de demostrar la eficacia de las inversiones en investigaciones, con el fin de impulsar avances significativos en esta área.

Aline Munezero, HUB/OMS student, defends her master's thesis.

Today, 29/06/2023, master's student Aline Munezero defended her thesis titled "KNOWLEDGE AND PERCEPTION OF VIOLATION OF LABOR RIGHTS DURING PREGNANCY: A CROSS-SECTIONAL AND MULTICENTER STUDY WITH BRAZILIAN PUERPERAS", under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Renato Teixeira Souza and co-guidance of Prof. Dr. José Guilherme Cecatti.

The student has a scholarship from HUB/OMS/CEMICAMP. Congratulations, Aline, on your achievement!

Doutoranda Miriam Camas, aluna HUB OMS - CEMICAMP compartilha sua experiência no painel técnico “Technical discussion – HRP Alliance hub presentation”

Aconteceu nesta semana a trigésima sexta reunião do Comitê de Política e Coordenação do Programa Especial de Pesquisa, Desenvolvimento e Treinamento em Reprodução Humana (HRP) da OMS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF e Banco Mundial.
Durante a reunião, no painel técnico “Technical discussion – HRP Alliance hub presentation”, a aluna Miriam Camas compartilhou sua experiência como estudante e pesquisadora e o apoio recebido pelo HRP através do CEMICAMP e o programa de doutorado na UNICAMP.
A reunião teve como objetivo discutir questões relacionadas à saúde reprodutiva em todo o mundo, incluindo o acesso universal a serviços de saúde de qualidade, a promoção da igualdade de gênero e o empoderamento das mulheres e meninas.
Photo: © WHO/Antoine Tardy

Periodic Scientific Update Meeting with HUB-OMS scholarship holders (CEMICAMP)

This Tuesday, 03/07/2023, the Periodic Scientific Update Meeting took place with postgraduate students, HUB-WHO (CEMICAMP) scholarship holders. This activity is fundamental for the development of new researchers and research in the area of ​​health within the HUB-WHO program. It allows fellows to receive important feedback and guidance to improve their research and to keep up to date on the latest discoveries in the area, in addition to stimulating collaboration and knowledge sharing among team members.

The CEMICAMP President, Dr Luis Bahamondes, coordinated this meeting and the following students were present: Aline Munezero, Jacques Versailles, Miriam Alejandra Camas Castillo, Negli Rene Gallardo Alvarado, Charles M. Poca Charles, Miguel Alejandro S. Contreras, Celia Jose Laice Sitoe, Suzana Ivete Alfredo Manhiça, Luis Marcelo Noles Rodrigues, Marta Pedro Nhauche, Montas Laporte, Sherley Meteleus and Maria de Lurdes Paulo Dias.

Launch of Small Grants Initiative articles in PAHO magazine

This Tuesday, 03/07/2023, the Special Supplement of the PAHO magazine was launched, carried out with the projects that were part of the Small Grants, in which CEMICAMP actively participated in the 2019 public notice. From receipt and evaluation of proposals to the selection of 11 projects in eight countries: Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico and Peru; going through the monitoring of the development of each project until publication in the PAHO magazine.

To mark this launch, CEMICAMP President, Dr. Luis Bahamondes, and other researchers who worked on this project, participated in a Webinar that sought to further integrate all the production of knowledge and value generated in this initiative. There were a total of 250 participants.

PAHO (The Pan American Journal of Public Health) is a peer-reviewed scientific journal with articles on public health in countries of the Americas, published by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and an important source of information for professionals and researchers. . The Small Grants is part of actions by the World Health Organization (WHO) that provide funding for research projects in sexual and reproductive health, especially for developing countries.

Check the published articles on the PAHO website:

Scholarship student by HUB/OMS, Paula Nicole Yanez Sanchez, defends her master's degree

On February 10, 2023, master's student Paula Nicole Yanez Sanchez defended her thesis entitled "Request for legal termination of pregnancy due to sexual violence in the period 2015-2020 - a retrospective study to characterize care", under the guidance of Dr. Arlete Maria dos Santos Fernandes and co-supervision of Dr. Maria Yolanda Makuch

A aluna recebeu bolsa pelo HUB/OMS/CEMICAMP. Congratulations Paula on the achievement!

Meta-analysis on labor induction with the participation of CEMICAMP research professor, Dr. Jose Guilherme Cecatti, was published in The Lancet magazine

Meta-analysis with participation of professor researcher CEMICAMP, Dr. Jose Guilherme Cecatti, was published in The Lancet and brought important results on labor induction.

The research entitled: Balloon catheters versus vaginal prostaglandins for labor induction (CPI Collaborative): an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, sought a meta-analysis of data to compare the efficacy and safety profiles of two methods of induction of childbirth: catheters-baloon dilation of the cervix and vaginal prostaglandins, as labor induction is one of the most common obstetric interventions worldwide.

Results showed that balloon catheters and vaginal prostaglandins have comparable cesarean delivery rates and maternal safety profiles, but balloon catheters lead to fewer adverse perinatal events.

The research had several researchers involved, in addition to Dr. Jose Guilherme Cecatti already mentioned here, and was funded by the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council and Monash Health Emerging Researcher Fellowship. Check out the work in full below:

Balloon catheters versus vaginal prostaglandins for labor induction CPI Collaborative an individual participant data meta analysis of randomized controlled trials

Paula Pereira, CEMICAMP research nurse, defends her master's degree

doctor Luis Bahamondes and Nurse Paula Pereira

CEMICAMP student and employee Nurse Paula da Cunha Pereira defended her master's thesis entitled “KNOWLEDGE AND INTEREST OF WOMEN AND DOCTORS RESIDENTS IN GYNECOLOGY ABOUT CELL PHONE APPLICATIONS FOR NATURAL CONTRACEPTION”in the green room of the FCM-UNICAMP Graduate Program. We congratulate Nurse Paula for this achievement and for the exquisite work carried out.

Doctor Cassia Juliato, Nurse Paula Pereira, on screen Dr. Jose Maria Soares Junior and Dr. Luis Bahamondes