1. The abstract versus the concrete: differing opinions of medical residents in obstetrics and gynaecology about abortion and punishment of abortion. Brazilian Abortion Study Group.
Autores: Bento SF, Pacagnella RC, Faúndes A, de Pádua KS, Fernandes KG, Araújo DM, Fahl ID, Duarte Osis MJ, Duarte GA.
Revista: Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care.
Informações: 2019 Dec;24(6):494-500. doi.org/-299223/13625187.2019.1682135.
2. Identification of earlier predictors of pregnancy complications through wearable technologies in a Brazilian multicentre cohort: Maternal Actigraphy Exploratory Study I (MAES-I) study protocol.
Autores: Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG, et al.
Revista: BMJ Open.
Informações: 2019; 9(4):e023101 doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-023101.
3. Planning, Implementing, and Running a Multicentre Preterm Birth Study with Biobank Resources in Brazil: The Preterm SAMBA Study.
Autores: Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG; Costa, ML; Mayrink, J; Pacagnella, RC ; Passini, R; Franchini, KG; Feitosa, FE; Calderon, IM; Filho, EAR; Leite, DF; Vettorazzi, J; Kenny, LC; Baker, PN. The Preterm Samba Study Group.
Revista: Biomed Research International.
Informações: 2019; 2019:5476350. doi: 10.1155/2019/5476350.
4. Analgesia during Labor and Vaginal Birth among Women with Severe Maternal Morbidity: Secondary Analysis from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health.
Autores: Souza, MA; Guida, JPS; Cecatti, JG; Souza, JP; Gulmezoglu, AM; Betran, AP; Torloni, MR; Vogel, JP; Costa, ML.
Revista: Biomed Research International.
Informações: 2019 doi: 10.1155/2019/7596165.
5. Reference ranges for ultrasound measurements of fetal kidneys in a cohort of low-risk pregnant women.
Autores: Barbosa, RM; Souza, RT; Silveira, C; Andrade, KC; Almeida, CM; Bortoleto, AG; Oliveira, PF; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019, 299:585-591.
6. Use of metabolomics for predicting spontaneous preterm birth in asymptomatic pregnant women: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis.
Autores: Souza RT; Galvão, RB; Leite, DFB; Junior, RP; Baker, P; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: BMJ Open.
Informações: 2019; 9(3):e026033. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026033.
7. Prediction of Severe Maternal Outcome Among Pregnant and Puerperal Women in Obstetric ICU.
Autores: Neto, FO; Parpinelli, MA; Costa, ML; Souza, RT; Valle, CRD; Sousa, MH; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Critical Care Medicine.
Informações: 2019; 47:e136-e143. doi: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003549.
8. Adverse perinatal outcomes are associated with severe maternal morbidity and mortality: evidence from a national multicentre cross-sectional study.
Autores: Zanardi, DM; Parpinelli, MA; Haddad, SM; Costa, ML; Sousa, MH; Leite, DF; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019; 299:645-654. doi: 10.1007/s00404-018-5004-1.
9.Metabolomics applied to maternal and perinatal health: a review of new frontiers with a translation potential.
Autores: Souza, RT; Mayrink, J; Leite, DF; Costa, ML; Calderon, IM; Rocha, EA; Vettorazzi, J; Feitosa, F; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Clinics.
Informações: 2019; 74:e894. doi: 10.6061/clinics/2019/e894.
10. Cluster analysis identifying clinical phenotypes of preterm birth and related maternal and neonatal outcomes from the Brazilian Multicentre Study on Preterm Birth.
Autores: Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG; Passini, RP; Oliveira, RC; Silva, PF; Tedesco, CM; Lajos, RP; Nomura, GJ; Rehder, ML; Dias, PM; Costa, TZ; Costa, ML; Haddad, SM; Marba, ST; Guinsburg, RM; Francisco E.; Zotarelli, V; Gurgel, LT; Feitosa, FE; Chaves, GN; Porto, AM; Coutinho, IC; Lima, ACB; Melo, EF; Leite, DF, et al.
Revista: International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019; 146:110-117. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.12839.
11. Mobile technology in health (mHealth) and antenatal care-Searching for apps and available solutions: A systematic review.
Autores: Haddad, SM; Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: International Journal of Medical Informatics.
Informações: 2019; 127:1-8. doi: 10.1016/j.ijmedinf.2019.04.008.
12. Lessons from the Field Beyond the Numbers: Narratives of Professionals on Women who Experienced Severe Maternal Morbidity.
Autores: Angelini, CFR; Pacagnella, RDC; Silveira, C; Andreucci, CB; Ferreira, EC; Santos, JP; Zanardi, DMT; Parpinelli, MA; Costa, ML; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: RBGO.
Informações: 2019; 41:379-386. doi: 10.1055s-0039-1688833.
13. New Approaches to Fetal Growth Restriction: The Time for Metabolomics Has Come.
Autores: Leite, DFB; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia.
Informações: 2019; 41:454-462. doi: 10.1055s-0039-1692126.
14. Incidence and risk factors for Preeclampsia in a cohort of healthy nulliparous pregnant women: a nested case-control study.
Autores: Mayrink, J; Souza, RT; Feitosa, FE; Filho, EAR; Leite, DF; Vettorazzi, J; Calderon, IM; Sousa, MH; Costa, ML; Baker, PN; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Scientific Reports.
Informações: 2019; 9:9517. doi: 10.1038s41598-019-46011-3.
15. The Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity Study Group. Skin Color and Severe Maternal Outcomes: Evidence from the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity.
Autores: Fernandes, KG; Costa, ML; Haddad, SM; Parpinelli, MA; Sousa, MH; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: Biomed Research International.
Informações: 2019; 2019:2594343. doi: 10.11552019/2594343.
16. Impact Of Maternal Education On Response To Lifestyle Interventions To Reduce Gestational Weight Gain: Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis.
Autores: O’brien, E, Geraghty, R; Aisling AA, Rogozinska, G; Ewelina, A; Arne, BC, Rubenomar Bnnick; Cecatti, JG, Coomarasamy, AG; Christianne JMD, Roland, D; Jodie, ME; Nermeen, F; Geiker, F; Guelfi,N; Kym, H; Lene, H; Cheryce, H.; Hans Jensen, DM; Khalid, K; Kinnunen TI; Luoto, RW; Mol, B. et al.
Revista: BMJ Open.
Informações: 2019; 9(8):e025620. doi: 10.1136bmjopen-2018-025620.
17. Examining the predictive accuracy of metabolomics for small-for-gestational-age babies: a systematic review.
Autores: Leite, DFB; Morillon, AC; Júnior, EFM; Souza, RT; Mccarthy, FP; Khashan, A; Baker, P; Kenny, LC; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: BMJ Open.
Informações: 2019; 9:e031238. doi: 10.1136bmjopen-2019-031238.
18. Fetal Growth Restriction Prediction: How to Move beyond.
Autores: Leite, DFB; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: The Scientific World Journal.
Informações: 2019; 2019:1519048. doi: 10.11552019/1519048.
19. Gestational weight gain outside the Institute of Medicine recommendations and adverse pregnancy outcomes: analysis using individual participant data from randomised trials.
Autores: Rogozinska, EZ; Javier, M; Nadine Betrán, AP; Arne, BA; Cecatti, JG; Dodd, JMF; Geiker, F; Nina RWH; Lene AHH.; Hans, J; Dorte, MK, Tarja I. Mol, B. Owens, J; Phelan, SR; Salvesen, CM; Kjell Å; Shub, A; Surita, FG. Stafne, SN; Teede, HP, Mireille N. M.; Vinter, CA, et al.
Revista: BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth.
Informações: 2019; 19:322. doi: 10.1186s12884-019-2472-7.
20. Role of Body Mass Index and gestational weight gain on preterm birth and adverse perinatal outcomes.
Autores: Pigatti Silva, F; Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG; Passini, R; Tedesco, RP; Lajos, GJ; Nomura, ML; Rehder, PM; Dias, TZ; Oliveira, PF; Silva, CM.
Revista: Scientific Reports.
Informações: 2019; 9:13093. doi: 10.1038s41598-019-49704-x.
21. Postpartum Psychoactive Substance Abuse After Severe Maternal Morbidity.
Autores: Pereira, CM; Pacagnella, RC; Parpinelli, MA; Andreucci, CB; Zanardi, DM; Souza, RT; Angelini, CR; Silveira, C; Cecatti, JG.
Revista: International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019; 147: (3):368-374. doi: 10.1002ijgo.12967.
22.Trace biomarkers associated with spontaneous preterm birth from the maternal serum metabolome of asymptomatic nulliparous women – parallel case-control studies from the SCOPE cohort.
Autores: Souza, RT; Mckenzie, EJ; Jones, BS; Jamie V; Thomas, MM; Zarate, E; Han, TL; McCowan, L; Sulek, K; Vilas-Boas, S; Kenny, LC. Cecatti, JG; Baker, PN.
Revista: Scientific Reports.
Informações: 2019; 9:13701. doi: 10.1038s41598-019-50252-7.
23. Incidence rates and temporal trends of cervical cancer relating to opportunistic screening in two developed metropolitan regions of Brazil: a population-based cohort study.
Autores: Teixeira, JC; Maestri, CA; Machado, HDC; Zeferino, LC; Carvalho, NS.
Revista: Sao Paulo Med J.
Informações: 2019; 137(4):322-328. doi: 10.15901516-3180.2018.0306220719.
24. Missing Adenocarcinomas: Are They a Real Problem in Cervical Cancer Screening in Brazil?
Autores: Vale DB; Bragança, JF; Zeferino, LC.
Revista: RBGO.
Informações: 2019; 41(10):579-580. doi: 10.1055s-0039-1698772.
25. Long term social consequences of adolescent pregnancy.
Autores: Bahamondes, L.
Revista: BJOG.
Informações: 2019; 126:368. doi: 10.11111471-0528.15488.
26. Analysis Of 16 Years Of calls and emails to the Options for Sexual Health “Sex Sense” information and referral service.
Autores: Ferreira, JM; Collins, M; Palmqvist, H; Pasquino, N; Bahamondes, L; Brotto, L A.
Revista: Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality.
Informações: 2019; 28:38-45. doi:10.3138cjhs.2018-0008
27. A Single post-ovulatory dose of ulipristal acetate impairs post-fertilization events in mice.
Autores: Elías, MDG; May, M; Munuce, MJ; Bahamondes, L; Cuasnicú, PS; Cohen, DJ.
Revista: Molecular Human Reproduction.
Informações: 2019; 25:257-264. doi: 10.1093molehr/gaz013.
28. Thyroid function during the first year of use of the injectable contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate.
Autores: Moro, AQ; Wittmann, DEZ; Santos, PDN; Kimura, VM; Silva, CAD; Bahamondes, L; Fernandes, A.
Revista: Eur J Contracep Reprod Health Care.
Informações: 2019; 24:102-108. doi: 10.108013625187.2018.1559284.
29. Changes in calcium metabolism and bone mineral density in new users of medroxyprogesterone acetate during the first year of use.
Autores: Moro, AQ; Wittmann, DEZ; Santos, PN; Silva, CA; Bahamondes, L; Fernandes, A.
Revista: International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019; 147:319-325. doi: 10.1002ijgo.12958.
30. Bleeding profile associated with 1-year use of the progesterone acetate.
Autores: Vieira, CS; Fraser, IS; Plagianos, MG; Burke, AE; Westhoff, CL; Jensen, J; Brache, V; Bahamondes, L; Merkatz, R; Ware, RS; Blithe, DL.
Revista: ethinyl estradiol contraceptive vaginal system: pooled analysis from Phase 3 trials.
Informações: Contraception. 2019; 100:438-444. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2019.07.145.
31. Disease activity and thromboembolic events in women with systemic lupus erythematosus with and without anti-phospholipid syndrome: users of the 52-mg levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system.
Autores: Rebelo, RC; Pignaton, E; Bahamondes, MV; Costallat, LT; Appenzeller, S; Bahamondes, L; Fernandes, A.
Revista: Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics.
Informações: 2019; 299:1597-1605. doi: 10.1007s00404-019-05131-x.
32. Efficacy of the 1-year (13-cycle) progesterone acetate and ethinylestradiol contraceptive vaginal system: results of two multicentre, open-label, single-arm, phase 3 trials.
Autores: Archer, DF; Merkatz, RB; Bahamondes, L; Westhoff, CL; Darney, P; Apter, D; Jensen, JT; Brache V; Nelson AL; Banks, E; Bártfai, G; Portman, DJ; Plagianos, M; Dart, C; Kumar, N; Creasy, GW; Ware RS; Blithe DL.
Revista: Lancet Global Health.
Informações: 2019; 7:e1054-e1064. doi: 10.1016S2214-109X(19)30265-7.
33. Follow-up visits to check strings after intrauterine contraceptive placement cannot predict or prevent future expulsion.
Autores: Bahamondes, L; Monteiro, I; Fernandes, A; Gaffield ME.
Revista: Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care.
Informações: 2019; 24(2):97-101. doi: 10.108013625187.2019.1586872.