Published Articles - International Journals

  1. Faúndes, A; Osis, MJ; Sousa, MH; Duarte, GA; Miranda, L; Oliveira, W. Physicians? Information to patients and prescription of the emergency contraceptive pill according to their personal experience of using the method and perception of its mechanism of action. European Journal of Contraception Reproductive Health Care, v. 20, p. 1-7, 2016.
  2. Ganatra, B; Faundes, A. Role of birth spacing, family planning services, safe abortion services and post-abortion care in reducing maternal mortality. Best Practice Research Clinical Obstetrics Gynaecology, v. 36, p. 145-155, 2016.
  3. Briozzo, L; Gómez Ponce De León, R; Tomasso, G; Faúndes, A. Overall and abortion-related maternal mortality rates in Uruguay over the past 25years and their association with policies and actions aimed at protecting women’s rights. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, v. 134, p. S20-S23, 2016.
  4. Faundes, A. Malentendidos sobre el efecto de la legalización del aborto. Anales de La Facultad de Medicina Perú (Eletronic), v. 76, p. 425-429, 2016.
  5. Gómez-Elías, MD; Munuce, MJ; Bahamondes L; Cuasnicú, PS; Cohen, DJ. In vitro and in vivo effects of ulipristal acetate on fertilization and early embryo development in mice. Human Reproduction (Oxford. Print), v. 31, p. 53-59, 2016.
  6. Simonatto, P; Bahamondes, MV; Fernandes, AMS; Silveira, C; Bahamondes, LG. Comparison of two cohorts of women who expulsed either a copperintrauterine device or a levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, v. 1, p. n/a-n/a, 2016.
  7. Festin, MPR; Bahamondes, L; Nguyen, TMH; Habib, N; Thamkhantho, M; Singh, K; Gosavi, A; Bartfai, G; Bito, T; Bahamondes, MV; Kapp, N. A prospective, openlabel, single arm, multicentre study to evaluate efficacy, safety and acceptability of pericoital oral contraception using levonorgestrel 1.5 mg. Human Reproduction (Oxford. Print), v. 31, p. 530-540, 2016.
  8. Ragazini, CS; Bahamondes, MV; Prandini, TRR; Brito, MB; Amaral, E; Bahamondes, LG; Duarte, G; Quintana, SM; Ferriani, RA; Vieira, CS. Bleeding patterns of HIV-infected women using an etonogestrel-releasing contraceptive implant and efavirenz-based or lopinavir/ritonavir-based antiretroviral therapy. European Journal of Contraception Reproductive Health Care, v. 21, p. 285-289, 2016.
  9. Carreiro, AV; Micelli, LP; Sousa, MH; Bahamondes, L; Fernandes, A. Sexual dysfunction risk and quality of life among women with a history of sexual abuse. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, p. 260-263, 2016.
  10. Bahamondes, L; Marin, Vi; Ciarmatori, S; Silva-Filho, AL; Acuña, JM; Makuch, MY. Knowledge of Latin American Obstetricians and Gynecologists regarding Heavy Menstrual Bleeding. Obstetrics and Gynecology International (Print), v. 2016, p. 1-6, 2016.
  11. Gonçalves, AV; Makuch, MY; Setubal, MS; Barros, NF; Bahamondes, LA Qualitative Study on the Practice of Yoga for Women with Pain-Associated Endometriosis. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. 1, 2016.
  12. Silva dos Santos, PN; De Souza, AL; Batista, GA; Melhado-Kimura, V; De Lima, GA; Bahamondes, L; Fernandes, A. Binge eating and biochemical markers of appetite in new users of the contraceptive depot medroxyprogesterone acetate. Archives of Gynecology and Obstetrics (Print), v. 1, p. 1, 2016.
  13. Moraes, LG; Marchi, NM; Pitoli, AC; Hidalgo, MM; Silveira, C; Modesto, W; Bahamondes, L. Assessment of the quality of cervical mucus among users of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system at different times of use. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2016;21:318-322
  14. Ferreira, JM; Bottura, BF; Gonçalves, MP; Monteiro, I; Bahamondes, L. Comparison of two strategies for the administration of injectable depot medroxyprogesterone acetate: among women who returned to a family planning clinic at three- or six-month intervals. Eur J Contracept Reprod Health Care 2016;21:408-411.
  15. Ali, Moazzam; Ayse, A; Bahamondes, L; Brache, V; Habib, N; Landoulsi, S; Hubacher, D. Extended use up to 5 years of the etonogestrel-releasing subdermal contraceptive implant: comparison to levonorgestrel-releasing subdermal implant. Hum Reprod 2016;31:2491-2498.
  16. Gonçalves, AV; Barros, NF; Bahamondes, L. The Practice of Hatha Yoga for the Treatment of Pain Associated with Endometriosis. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine (New York, N.Y.), v. 1, p. 1, 2016.
  17. Chou, D; Tuncalp, O; Firoz, T; Filippi, V; Dadelszen, PV; Van Den Broek, Nynke; Cecatti JG; Magee, LA; Lange, I; Vanderkruik, R; Gherissi, A; Munjanja, S; Fawole, O; Jayathilaka, A; Gichuhi, G. N; Mccaw-Binns, A; Sullivan, E; Gulmezoglu, AM; Gyte, G; Koblinsky, M; Kone, Y; Oztopcu, C; Mathur, A; Morgan, M; Say, Lale . Constructing maternal morbidity – towards a standard tool to measure and monitor maternal health beyond mortality. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Online), v. 16, p. 45, 2016.
  18. Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG; Passini Jr, Renato; Tedesco, RP; Lajos GJ ; Nomura, ML; Rehder Pm; Dias, TZ; Haddad, Samira H; Pacagnella, RC; Costa, ML; Brazilian Network . The Burden of Provider-Initiated Preterm Birth and Associated Factors: Evidence from the Brazilian Multicenter Study on Preterm Birth (EMIP). Plos One, v. 11, p. e0148244, 2016.
  19. Flynn, AC; Poston, L; Ragozinska, E; Cecatti, JG. Dietary interventions in overweight and obese pregnant women: a systematic review of the content, delivery, and outcomes of randomized controlled trials. Nutrition Reviews, v. 74, p. 312-328, 2016.
  20. Pfitscher, LC; Cecatti, JG; Pacagnella, RC; Haddad, Samira H; Parpinelli, Mary Angela; Souza, Joao Paulo; Quintana, SM; Surita, Fernanda Garanhani De Castro; Sousa, Maria Helena de; Costa, ML. Severe maternal morbidity due to respiratory disease and impact of 2009 H1N1 influenza A pandemic in Brazil: results from a national multicenter cross-sectional study. BMC Infectious Diseases (Online), v. 16, p. 220, 2016.
  21. Cecatti, JG; Souza, RT; Sulek, K; Costa, ML; Kenny, LC; Mccowan, LM; Pacagnella, RC; Villas-Boas, SG; Passini Jr, Renato; Franchini, KG; Baker, PN; Preterm-Samba-Study-Group, FT. Use of metabolomics for the identification and validation of clinical biomarkers for preterm birth: Preterm SAMBA. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Online), v. 16, p. 212, 2016.
  22. Yoshida, S; Martines, J; Cecatti JG. Setting research priorities to improve global newborn health and prevent stillbirths by 2025. Journal of Global Health, v. 6, p. 010508, 2016.
  23. Zanardi, DT; Cecatti, JG; Moura, EC; Santos, LMP; Leal, MC. The effect of maternal near miss on adverse infant nutritional outcomes. Clinics, v. 71, p. 593-599, 2016.
  24. Rogozinska E; D’Amico MI; Khan KS; Cecatti JG; Teede H; Yeo S; Vinter CA; Rayanagoudar G; Barakat R; Perales M; Dodd JM; Devlieger R; Bogaerts A; van Poppel MN; Haakstad L; Shen GX; Shub A; Luoto R; Kinnunen TI; Phelan S; Poston L; Scudeller TT; El Beltagy N; Stafne SN; Tonstad S; Geiker NR; Ruifrok AE; Mol BW; Coomarasamy A; Thangaratinam S; et al. Development of composite outcomes for individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis on the effects of diet and lifestyle in pregnancy: a Delphi survey. BJOG (Oxford. Print), v. 123, p. 190-198, 2016.
  25. Pfitscher, LC; Cecatti, JG; Haddad, SM; Parpinelli, MA; Souza, JP; Quintana, SM; Surita, FG; Costa, ML. The role of infection and sepsis in the Brazilian Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity. TM IH. Tropical Medicine and International Health (Print), v. 21, p. 183-193, 2016.
  26. Souza JP, Betran AP, Dumont A, de Mucio B, Gibbs Pickens CM, DeneuxTharaux C, Ortiz-Panozo E, Sullivan E, Ota E, Togoobaatar G, Carroli G, Knight H, Zhang J, Cecatti JG, Vogel JP, Jayaratne K, Leal MC, Gissler M, Morisaki N, Lack N, Oladapo OT, Tunçalp Ö, Lumbiganon P, Mori R, Quintana S, et al. A global reference for caesarean section rates (C-Model): a multicountry crosssectional study. BJOG (Oxford. Print), v. 123, p. 427-436, 2016.
  27. Santana, DS; Cecatti, JG; Surita, FG; Silveira, C; Costa, ML; Souza, JP; Mazhar, SB; Jayaratne, K; Qureshi, Z; Sousa, MH; Vogel, JP. Twin Pregnancy and Severe Maternal Outcomes. Obstetrics and Gynecology (New York. 1953), v. 127, p. 1- 641, 2016.
  28. Cecatti, JG; Costa, ML; Haddad, SM; Parpinelli, MA; Souza, JP; Sousa, MH; Surita, FG; Pinto E Silva, JL; Pacagnella, RC; Passini, R. Network for Surveillance of Severe Maternal Morbidity: a powerful national collaboration generating data on maternal health outcomes and care. BJOG (Oxford. Print), v. 123, p. 946-953, 2016.
  29. Lotufo, FA; Parpinelli, MA; Osis, MJ; Surita, FG; Costa, ML; Cecatti, JG. Situational analysis of facilitators and barriers to availability and utilization of magnesium sulfate for eclampsia and severe preeclampsia in the public health system in Brazil. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth (Online), v. 16, p. 254, 2016.
  30. Silveira, C; Parpinelli, MA; Pacagnella, RC; Andreucci, CB; Ferreira, EC; Angelini, CR; Bussadori, JC; Santos, JP; Zanardi, DM; Cecchino, GN; Souza, RT; Costa, ML; Camargo, RS; Cecatti, JG. A cohort study of functioning and disability among women after severe maternal morbidity. International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, v. 134, p. 87-92, 2016.
  31. Borovac-Pinheiro, A; Pacagnella, RC; Morais, SS; Cecatti, JG. Standard reference values for the shock index during pregnancy. International Journal of Gynecology Obstetrics, v. 135, p. 11-15, 2016.
  32. Figueira, CO; Surita, FG; Dertkigil, MS; Pereira, SL; Bennini, JR; Morais, SS; Mayrink, J; Cecatti, J. G. . Fetal Hemodynamic Parameters in Low Risk Pregnancies: Doppler Velocimetry of Uterine, Umbilical, and Middle Cerebral Artery. The Scientific World Journal, v. 2016, p. 1-7, 2016.
  33. Baptista, LC; Costa, ML; Ferreira, R; Albuquerque, DM; Lanaro, C; Fertrin, KY; Surita, FG; Parpinelli, MA; Costa, FF; Melo, MB de . Abnormal expression of inflammatory genes in placentas of women with sickle cell anemia and sickle hemoglobin C disease. Annals of Hematology (Print), v. 95, p. 1859-1867, 2016.
  34. Reis, MJ; Osis, MJD; Lopes, MHBM. It’s much worse than dying?: the experiences of female victims of sexual violence. Journal of Clinical Nursing (Print), v. May, p. jocn.13247, 2016.
  35. Machado, CL; Osis, MJD; Makuch, MY; Azevedo RCS; Fernandes, AMS. Experiences of Brazilian Women Who Got Pregnant After Sexual Violence and Underwent Legal Abortion. Critical Care Obstetrics and Gynecology, v. 2, p. 1-5, 2016.
  36. Knobel, R; Takemoto, MLS; Andreucci, CB; Docusse, P; Mckinley, DW; Amaral, E. Factors Associated with Preference for Vaginal Birth among Undergraduate Students from Southern Brazil. Birth (Berkeley, Calif.), v. 1, p. 1, 2016.


  1. Bahamondes, L; Ali, M; Monteiro, I; Fernandes, A. Contraceptive sales in the setting of the Zika virus epidemic. Human Reproduction Hum Reprod 2017;32:88-93
  2. Melhado-Kimura V, Bizzacchi JMA, Quaino SKP, Montalvao S, Bahamondes L, Fernandes A. Effect of the injectable contraceptive depotmedroxyprogesterone acetate on coagulation parameters in new users. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2017;43:1054-1060.
  3. Ferreira JM, Monteiro I, Fernandes A, Bahamondes MV, Pitoli A, Bahamondes L. Estimated disability-adjusted life years averted by free-of-charge provision of the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system over a 9-year period in Brazil. J Fam Plann Reprod Health Care 2017;43:181-185.
  4. Bahamondes L, Fernandes A, Monteiro I. Barriers to Implementing and Consolidating a Family Planning Program that would meet Brazilian Needs. Rev Bras Ginecol Obstet 2017;39:373-375.
  5. Guidobaldi HA, Cubilla M, Moreno A, Molino MV, Bahamondes L, Giojalas LC. Sperm chemorepulsion, a supplementary mechanism to regulate fertilization. Hum Reprod 2017;32:1560-1573.
  6. Carvalho NM, Chou V, Modesto W, Margatho D, Garcia EAL, Bahamondes L. Relationship between user satisfaction with the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system and bleeding patterns. J Obstet Gynaecol Res 2017 Aug 17. No prelo. doi: 10.1111/jog.13441.

Published Articles - National Journals

  1. Ferreira, Jessica; Monteiro, Ilza; Castro, Sara; Villarroel, Marina; Silveira, Carolina; Bahamondes, Luis . The Use of Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives and the Relationship between Discontinuation Rates due to Menopause and to Female and Male Sterilizations. Revista Brasileira de Ginecologia e Obstetrícia (Impresso), v. 38, p. 210-217, 2016.
  2. Tibiriçá, SHC; Ezequiel, OS; Amaral, E. Os desafios da inserção da Aprendizagem baseada em Problemas apoiada pelo mapa conceitual em um curriculo híbrido. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 131-134, 2016.
  3. Campos HH; Torres Araujo MN; Frota Ribeiro MG; Amaral, Eliana; Valdes Roberto Bollela; Carvalho Júnior, PM. Editorial. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 9- 10, 2016.
  4. Teixeira, LA; Frota Ribeiro MG; Torres Araujo MN; Campos HH; Carvalho Júnior PM; Bollela VR ; Amaral, E. Instituto Regional de Educação para as Profissões da Saúde: o currículo FAIMER Brasil. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 12-16, 2016.
  5. Teixeira, LA; Frota Ribeiro MG; Torres Araujo MN; Campos HH; Carvalho Júnior PM; Bollela VR ; Amaral, E. Instituto Regional de Educação para as Profissões da Saúde FAIMER Brasil: Perfil dos Participantes de 2007 a 2016. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 17-21, 2016.
  6. Peixoto, RAC; Frota Ribeiro MG; Torres Araujo MN ; Campos HH ; Carvalho Júnior PM; Bollella V; Amaral, E. Instituto Regional de Educação para as Profissões da Saúde FAIMER Brasil: Avaliação das sessões presenciais de 2010 a 2015. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 22-25, 2016.
  7. Ezequiel, O; Campos HH; Frota Ribeiro MG ; Torres Araujo MN ; Carvalho Júnior PM; Bollela VR; Amaral, E. Tendência dos projetos de intervenção realizados no Programa FAIMER Brasil 2007 a 2016: 10 anos de história. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 26-31, 2016.
  8. Amaral, E; Campos HH ; Frota Ribeiro MG ; Torres Araujo MN ; Carvalho Júnior PM; Bollela VR . Introdução: Projects That Work: uma amostra da potência dos projetos na formação de agentes de mudanças educacionais nas profissões da saúde. Cadernos da ABEM, v. 12, p. 32-33, 2016

Articles accepted for publication

  1. Angelini, C; Pacagnella, RC; Silveira, Carla; Andreucci, CB; Ferreira, EC; Santos, JP; Zanardi, DM; Parpinelli, Mary Angela; Costa, ML; Cecatti, JG. Lessons from the field beyond the numbers: professional’s experiences on Severe Maternal Morbidity. Cadernos de Saúde Pública (ENSP. Impresso), 2016.
  2. Fava, ML; Costa, ML; Passini Jr, Renato; Tedesco, RP; Lajos GJ; Rehder PM; Dias, TZ; Nomura, ML; Oliveira, PF; Cecatti, JG; Brazilian Network . Use of tocolytic drugs among women with preterm birth: associated factors and outcomes from a national multicenter study (EMIP). Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica, 2016.
  3. Angelini, C; Pacagnella, RC; Parpinelli, Mary Angela; Silveira, Carla; Andreucci, CB; Ferreira, EC; Santos, JP; Zanardi, DM; Souza, RT; Sousa, Maria Helena de; Cecatti, JG. Quality of life after an episode of severe maternal morbidity: findings from a cohort study in Brazil. Quality of Life Research, 2016.
  4. Angelini, C; Pacagnella, RC; Parpinelli, Mary Angela; Silveira, Carla; Andreucci, C B; Ferreira, EC; Santos, JP; Zanardi, DM; Souza, RT; Cecatti, JG . Posttraumatic stress disorder and severe maternal morbidity: is there an association? International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 2016.
  5. Ryan, H; Magee, LA; Cecatti, JG; Mol, BW; Dadelszen, PV. Precision medicine for pregnant and recently-pregnant women receiving critical care: the CIPHER model. Critical Care Medicine, 2016.
  6. Lumbiganon, P; Laopaiboon, M; Vogel, JP; Cecatti, JG; Souza, Joao Paulo; Gulmezoglu, AM; Ortiz-Panozo, E; Mittal, S. Management of pregnancy at and beyond 41 completed weeks of gestation in low-risk women: a secondary analysis of two WHO multi-country surveys on matrnal and newborn health. BJOGg-AN International Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynaecology, 2016.
  7. Santana, DS; Silveira, Carla; Costa, ML; Souza, RT; Surita, Fernanda Garanhani de Castro; Souza, Joao Paulo; Mazhar SB; Jayaratne K; Qureshi Z; Sousa, Maria Helena De; Vogel, JP; Cecatti, JG. Perinatal outcomes in twin pregnancies complicated by maternal morbidity: evidence from the WHO Multicountry Survey on Maternal and Newborn Health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (Print), 2016
  8. Amaral E. A Comunidade prática como estratégia para otimizar um programa de educação permanente para médicos de família. Interface – Comunicação, Saúde, Educação, 2016.
  9. Bahamondes L, Ali M, Monteiro I, Fernandes A. Stagnant contraceptive sales post Zika epidemic period in Brazil. Aceito para publicação, European Journal of Contraception and Reproductive Health Care.
  10. Bahamondes L, Fernandes A, Bahamondes MV, Juliato CT, Ali M, Monteiro I. Pregnancy outcomes associated with extended use of the 52-mg 20 µg/day levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system beyond 60 months: A retrospective chart review of 776 women in Brazil. doi: 10.1016/j.contraception.2017.10.007